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Wellbeing Charter

The DfE's 'Education staff wellbeing charter' is being launched in September. They explain how they have developed the document and their focus as: 'We've worked with unions, schools and colleges and Mind to co-create a charter to highlight staff wellbeing in the education sector. It's a tool for schools and colleges to create, and publicly commit to, their own wellbeing strategies to help them protect, promote and enhance the wellbeing and mental health of their staff.'

Within our Trust, The Well-Being Champions and the Well-Being Locality Committee Team will both be reviewing the DfE materials for a Well-Being Charter that is scheduled to be launched in the autumn.  We would really value your opinion and, if you get the opportunity would welcome your comments  The best way to do this is to feedback to your Wellbeing Champions, who can then bring ideas and comments to the next meeting on June 28th.

As a Trust we absolutely recognise that for the best possible impact on pupils we must have a content and happy workforce. We recognise that we may have a way to go to achieve that but are committed to working with all colleagues to develop and improve wellbeing.