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Pupil Parliament

As you know Pupil Parliament meets termly with all schools sending representatives from their School Council to discuss, debate, review policies and create plans for work back in schools.

In the Autumn term, we were looking at how democratic structures in schools should and could include the pupils and how ALL pupils' voices could be heard in this process. Hopefully you will be aware of how this works in your setting.

This term the focus is on the Trust's 'Environmental and Localism policy' and pupils are working on reviewing it with us, as well as considering which elements could then be taken back into your schools for action.

It may well be that links could be made with your school drivers and the Trust's learning characteristics and could be included in some of your lesson planning? Please consider this as you read the attached agenda below. 

Ideas for future agendas are always welcomed.

Sam Davidson, Head of Service, Curriculum