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Extended School Provision

The Trust is committed to providing quality Extended Schools Clubs.

Breakfast Club

  • Where there is a significant level of parental demand, schools will aim to provide a Breakfast Club;
  • The focus for the club is around social and pastoral care, ensuring that they have a good breakfast and preparing them for the school day;
  • Opening times are set locally depending on need;
  • There will be a standard charge for the first child and a sibling discount, refer to your school for full details;

Curriculum Enrichment

  • All schools will offer a curriculum enrichment hour (3.30pm-4.30pm) on some days during the term-time week; 
  • The Curriculum Enrichment opportunities and clubs will have links to the school curriculum;
  • These clubs will be varied and have a broad appeal.  We are aiming to have at least two clubs per week offered to each child;
  • Pupils are routinely consulted as to what provision they would like;

Extended School Club

  • All schools will provide an extended school club provision;
  • Timings will run from 3.30pm until 5pm (minimum) and extended beyond where there is parental demand;
  • There will be a charge for those not attending the Curriculum; Enrichment Activity 3.30pm - 4.30pm
  • Any pupil extending beyond 4.30pm (no matter of the actual collection time) will be charged at a rate per pupil, this will include childcare provision, activities and refreshments (schools will be able to give you further details);
  • Pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium may be entitled to a maximum of two sessions free per week;
  • Where possible homework/home learning support may be offered;

Please contact your school office manager's for any details on the above provision.