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CEO welcomes the new academic year


The new academic year has started with much excitement and enthusiasm and Autumn is now well and truly here, the beauty of our rural primary schools enables children to see and feel the seasons around them and I know schools are busy embracing these opportunities.

The Trust is proud of its employees and their remarkable achievements not only within their working day but also personally.  Hannah Woodruffe, Assistant Academy head at Rendlesham completed the London Marathon recently demonstrating determination and resilience which are two Learning Pi drivers we are encouraging the children in our schools to develop.


Our congratulations also go to Amanda Peck, HLTA at Yoxford & Peasenhall has passed her degree BA Hons Children’s Care, Learning and Development) with an impressive 2:1.

You may have been watching Britain’s Best Woodworker on Channel 4 in recent weeks, Jacob Bell one of our caretakers at Winterton school has been impressing judges with the quality of his craft and we continue to watch with pride as he produces items such as this beautiful child’s woodwork bench toy.

In October the Trust has acknowledged Black History Month and in the words of Desmond Tutu ‘My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together’, a concept that demonstrates community within our schools and how we can encourage children to work together and help each other to achieve greater success.

We are aware that the cost of living crisis is having an impact on our families and have included some helpful resources in this edition or Horizons Home Time which you may wish to explore further.

I hope that you all have an enjoyable half term.

Andrew Aalders-Dunthorne, CEO & Principal