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The Link

Our new groups have settled well into the link. We have established a clear routine that we follow everyday. We always start the day with breakfast, a game and a check in, using the zones of regulation. We have drawn how we feel and expressed it through words as well as colours.

We have daily challenges that help us develop collaborative, participation and engaging in a debate with our peers in a safe and controlled environment. 

Our topic this term has been Flight. The groups have taken this in two different routes. We had a group bird boxes, creating Robins boxes and a box for a kestrel. The process started with a bird watch at the link to see what birds were in the area. We researched what the different boxes looked like. We then drew our designs and wrote measurements for the size of wood that we required. Next we made prototypes out of cardboard to see how tricky it might be to make out of wood. We were super excited about actually making our bird boxes. They look so good, and cannot wait to see them in our school.

Our year 2/3 group took the flight down the transport route of planes, parachutes and helicopters. We participated in a STEM experiment looking at the different weights and size of paper and what flies the farthest. We looked at different parachute designs and created our own. Some were more successful than others.

We created a superhero character and designed a cape and made this out of fabric. We acted out our story and wrote amazing comic strips.    Our favourite thing to do is to cook at the link. We have made pancakes, different cupcakes. But our absolute favourite was lemon curd jammie dodgers.